Obscene Amounts of Voyeurism

Tomorrow I start once again at Bell. Half the summer is gone. Ironically, I can often get more work done on other projects while at work at Bell. I made a list on my phone of all the projects I’m working on so I can quickly reference it any time I need to remember what needs work.

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Yippee-ki-yay, Maniac

Watched Live Free or Die Hard and Mad Max tonight. Mad Max was an overly simple plot wrapped in convoluted cinematography and poor audio level equalization. I can definitely see it being a great movie, if only any of it had any feeling of repercussion. The bad guys gave no believable idea of insanity, they were just a bunch of actors being loony, which is really boring to watch because it’s so meaningless. I hope and am led to believe the second is much better.

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Just Grab Your Hat, We’ll Travel Light, That’s Hobo Style

I’m all packed up, with the exception of my laptop and eye stuff, and ready to go tomorrow. I aim to wake up at 10, shave, shower, eat, pick up any mess the cats made, vacuum, finish any remaining dishes (three pieces at present), and be ready and gone by 12:30.

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Bacon Taped to the Bathroom Tile

I just watched Gummo for the first time. Harmony Korine wrote and directed it. I started out on the couch, playing MW2 and watching the movie on my laptop. I wasn’t really into the game, so I turned it off and moved to the kitchen. I finished off washing dishes from today. After I finished those and dumped out the water I realized I had forgotten a pot on the stove, of course. I watched the rest of the movie standing beside the counter with the laptop on the fridge. Near the end I sat on the counter for a bit.

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The House of Calm and Wait

This morning Laura found out she got the job in Ottawa, and is currently at her mom’s place. She starts tomorrow morning. She gets to work in the same office as Rhonda for two weeks!

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News and Olds

In the early afternoon today Laura suggested I use Amazon’s wishlist system to keep track of what I want to purchase, and allow others the chance to possibly get those items for me. So I started a list and added four items I could think of that I either need or want right now. They were, in order of most urgent and necessary to least (coincidentally also in order of least to most expensive): an external hard drive, a printer/scanner, a Wacom Cintiq, and an iMac 27″.

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The Montreal Indies Meetup, which Stephen and his friend organized, went quite well. I created a temporary blog for the project and hopefully soon there’ll be a name for it. After that a proper domain, and then monthly meetings. This could lead to co-working spaces and indie game publishing and all sorts of wonderful, exciting stuff.

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Group Projects

This morning, while looking at the latest Threadless tees, I found one by Phil Jones. This is actually his second winning tee of late. He became a member of Threadless about a year later than I joined, so he had to find a different user name. I have only ever submitted one design for critique, and none as a finished design. I think I could win, especially with the critiques to help refine the design. Designing a winning tee is not far from a month’s worth of wages, and it’s way more than the paltry sum I’m making through commissions right now. This is definitely something I should start working on.

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His Fire Escape was Larger and Nicer than Our Balcony

I was chatting with Jessie Thavonekham this afternoon and she brought up wanting to start an artist’s collective. I told her about Slutniks and how I wanted to make an art community from it but no one else seemed interested in it, possibly because the name was off putting. I explained that the name was a take on the Sputnik space program, which sent the first living creatures into orbit. She was immediately interested.

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Let’s Start with the Weather

The past two or three days have been exhaustingly warm. Rain this prevening just barely broke the heat.

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