Background photo by Tierra Mallorca


What is Deeded?

Deeded is both a real estate closing service and a SaaS company. If you need help with real estate legal matters, Deeded wants to be the answer.

They were two years old when I joined. They already had a Dashboard product for operations, clerks, and customers, which combined data on deals from a third party conveyancing program and tracked deal status and signing dates.


I was brought on to create a replacement for the third party conveyancing service, the Deeded Conveyancing Platform, or DCP. The initial, high-level vision was presented to me by the CTO: simplify and automate as much of the closing process as possible. This project would also reduce the number of clerking tools (and usage fees) from as many as 8 down to 3.


As this was primarily an internal tool, I started by interviewing clerks and the operations team, the key stakeholders. They walked me through their existing processes and the various software they used. The main areas of frustration were:

I laid out my initial ideas for the main input screen in Figma and presented it to Ops. They were elated. The layout was a breath of fresh air, and it was tailored to the way our clerks worked. But there was a long way to go.

The Data Sheet

The source of truth for DCP, the data sheet, displaying Client Information and then Property Information for a mortgage deal.

Design System

I converted elements from the first mockups into components and started building out a design system. I used some colours and typography from the Dashboard, and roughly matched the buttons, but nothing else was worth keeping. As I worked on the layouts, I would continue expanding the component library, tweaking elements and states as needed.


I prefer to create custom icons for a project rather than using public libraries. When built in-house an icon set extends the product’s branding and maintains visual consistency.

Meet All Navigation Styles

The clerks were going to spend all of their time in DCP, so I wanted navigation to fit their preferred style, be it entirely by keyboard, pointing and clicking, or a mix of both. Beyond standard accessibility practices, every input had to have distinct states for selection, focus, hover, errors, as well as auto-filled or calculated results.

Custom Components

When necessary I created custom form components to better suit the data being input. These balanced usability with development feasibility, and were comprised of other standard input behaviours and existing React components. The Priority picker combined a dropdown with a drag-and-drop list, and would sync with all other Priority pickers. I gave input fields hover/focus actions, to expand functionality without taking up any extra screen real estate.

Process and Progress

I presented designs to my dev team in workshops, making sure they understood both what we were building and why certain decisions were made. These workshops also served as feasibility sessions, to judge the scale and scope of the work from their perspective. When designs were validated, I created JIRA stories as Gherkin formatted scenarios, and included mockups and links to relevant documentation.


As development progressed, we remained vigilant to always be working toward a MVP capable of completing our most common type of deal. Once the MVP was ready, we could start using DCP on real world deals.


DCP was conceived and built as a series of modules that serve discrete functions, all building toward a closed deal.

Tab Bar and Widgets

How a user accesses each module of the deal, the universal widgets, and a save state indicator.

The Data Sheet

The Data Sheet is the core of DCP’s intake system. There is a gigantic amount of information that goes into closing a real estate deal, and it needs to be laid out in a logical, legible, usable way.

I designed this system with a few key rules in mind:

Zero redundant input

While competitors used more of a digitized-paper-forms approach, which leads to lots of redundant inputs, we wanted to take the Simple Tax approach: input once, populate where needed. The required data input is informed by, but divorced from the necessary output documents.

The system should be self-checking

As the clerk fills out details, the form adapts. Toggling a boolean switch will add or remove fields. Missing or incorrect data will trigger an error, with a message describing the expected data.

Automate and OCR everything

If data is already available from another source, digital or physical, it should be ingested automatically, and populated into empty fields intelligently. When a user is filling out or reviewing fields, they can choose their source from the data retrieval process, and even inspect that source.

Data Sheet

The heart of DCP, this is where all information is input and managed, broken down into logical sections.

Modals and Data Management

While all the collected data for a deal lives in the Data Sheet, a lot of that data is linked to more complex objects, stored for reuse across deals. Those shared data objects are managed and manipulated through modals of varying size and complexity.

New Client

One of the most basic modals, New Client lets you enter a just few details to start building up a client profile.

Modals help focus the user’s attention on a single task at a time, while keeping their place in the workflow. Much like the Data Sheet, modals can have multiple states, dynamically changing as information is added, to meet the needs of the object’s data model.

To reduce the burden of upkeep on clerks, I centralized all object data in an admin panel for administrative staff to manage. A permissions and override system determines what changes are synced to deals, and impacted clerks are alerted whenever an update is made on their deal.


Ultimately, DCP’s function is to output sets of documents in order to close a deal. This means having an extensive set of functionality around managing and producing those documents. The Docs module manages received and generated documents using a familiar folder structure. Depending on the deal type, a standard folder structure is set, but can be customized.


Documents are produced using templates populated with the deal’s data. These are editable with a built-in editor, using a tag system to place any given data point, and a set of grammar logic to use correct titles, pronouns, pluralizations, etc.

Template Editing

Document templates can be edited in a split screen view.

Adding Docs

Docs can also be added using the Add Doc button, which gives a searchable list of all available templates. Once a document is selected, it may need to be paired with a contextual data object to populate properly.

Documents can be produced and exported to PDF. When a change is made to the contained data, the system will prompt the user to re-produce that document, keeping track of versioning for each document.

Intelligently Suggested Docs

When data is input but not captured in a document the Suggested Docs section will highlight documents the user should likely be including. Once selected, those suggestions can be added and populated with a single click.

Merging Docs

Once documents are uploaded or produced, they can be merged into bundled documents for export to one party or another. This is how the final closing documents are produced. This process allows for rearranging or removing pages, and reordering between different documents, as required by the recipient.

For ease of use the most common bundles of documents are available to export in a click from the Packages button.

Document Merging

Merging documents combines a page-selection UI with a document preview UI. Figuring out an intuitive and clear experience for the page selection and output UI took many iterations.


When I left Deeded the Data Sheet was nearly completed development, Docs was in progress, and the Admin Panel was ramping up. I had lain the ground work for the next several months of development, and the first version of DCP was released In February 2024.

I had a fantastic development team who were eager to learn, grow, and build the best software possible. The ops team were consistently impressed with the work we did and were always champing at the bit to get their hands on it. Our work sessions always resulted in greater understanding, on both sides, and another heap of work to do.